Saturday, February 28, 2009

COTA Chatter

I'm going to make COTA chatter a regular feature here on TRJ. Since I ride the bus everyday (COTA, the Central Ohio Transit Authority) I will be including funny, sad, crazy, dangerous events that take place while I am on or waiting for the bus.

Today I waited for the #10 with a woman (about 40, I would say, maybe a little younger) who was singing along with her MP3 player. Rapping, I should say. She knew most of the words, but sometimes she would mumble along: "West Coast for, fo sho . . . na ma de ba . . . talk about beating you niggas get beat . . ."

A child rode up on his bike and she greeted him. The kid asked about the woman's son, and she replied that he would be getting out (of jail) in a few months.

"I done told you kids, you mess with the whiteys downtown they gonna lock you up."

In the middle of a lyric she burped, spit a few more rhymes, and then excused herself in-time.

I take the #10 downtown and transfer to another bus which takes me to work. This same woman was waiting to transfer near me, and I overheard a little bit of her phone conversation.

"I talked to my sister last night and she said her grandson died. I said 'which one' and she got all mad. How'm I s'posed to know?"

Thank you for reading the first edition of COTA chatter.

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