Sunday, September 6, 2009


I've taken several months off from the ol' blog. I really should have kept it up, but I ran out of bullshit. I just ran out, you see. Not really. I had a pretty fun and active summer. Here are some of the highlights.

My friends and I revived our old high school hangout (re-christening it "Arrakis") and in the process revolutionized what it means to live with your parents. I effectively stopped living with my Dad. I would like to think that I was the only person keeping that household together, but it was never really together. Arrakis, however, is the great, uncelebrated hangout of its time.

We also transformed Arrakis into studio space and revived a very old video project, in fact taking it to new heights. It was unspeakably fun to shoot and has somewhat revived my interest in acting, not to mention exhibitionism. If anyone is interested in a copy of this, drop me a line. It's pretty special.

I got a car! My first ever. It really is something else. The drivers side door handle fell off the first day I got it. I suppose that is to be expected. It's over seventeen (17) years old. Also it's a Geo Prism, so it has a fair amount of giddyup. It also has a manual transmission which I had to learn how to operate. That was an experience, let me tell you. The car sucks but, well, it's mine.

Mostly I was drunk all summer, which was fine. Hell, I had a blast. Couple of friends visited which is always fun.

I watched a lot of great movies, which is pretty typical. I hope to have some profiles and review of them on Decadent Indifference in the near future. My friend Nick and I are pretty close to being leading American authorities on Italian director Dario Argento.

In that same vein I saw Tarantino's new movie "Inglorious Basterds" a couple of times. If any of my readers haven't seen it yet (assuming I still have any potential readers) I cannot recommend it highly enough. I intend to make a pest of myself until everyone I encounter has seen it.

Through all of this I managed to get an apartment in Athens, OH and generally get all my shit together in preparation for grad school, which begins in two days. I am writing from my new apartment now actually, which isn't so bad. I have my own bathroom, which I have never had before, always sharing with family, thirty other men, roommates, roommates, girlfriend, family, and co-residents of Arrakis in that order. Athens is pretty cool so far. I think I will actually like it once I have some money.

Well, hopefully some people out there are still checking on this. If not I am probably going to explore some ways of getting the word back out. I hope to do a post at least weekly, and I still have a lot of back-posts to do. I think I will do one grand comprehensive COTA Chatter (kind of lost my inspiration once I got the Geo) and then my agent will begin negotiations with Random House for a book deal.

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